Market Access

Japan market access for wireless products

To launch your wireless product in Japan, approval is needed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC). Market approval will be granted based on Japan Radio Law or Japan Telecommunications Business Law.

This MIC certification is permanently valid for the Japanese Market and does not need your product to be recertified again. Only if you change your product after marketing, you would need to do some action to update the certification.

For Japan you need to label your product with the Giteki mark. There is no minimum size for the mark. As long as it is easily distinguished. We have a detailed description and guidance on Japan MIC certification. You are free to ask if you need help on any topic of your interest.

If you need help with compliance testing for Japan market approval, we are here to help you select a MIC qualified third party lab that we know because of their quality work and efficiency. We are here to guide you through the process to get your product certified for Japan. We can make sure your documentation is prepared perfectly and ready for a final submittal to the authorities, so you don’t waste time on preparing the documentation and the compliance issues that must be focused on in early stage, so you go through the process as quick as possible.